(FIGURES sacred Lord)
Believe it or not the Lord of Hosts has a favorite number and favorite number is the number 3. This number is a number that istimewah to God, because the more privileged devils imitate God's favorite numbers as his numbers (numbers devil). In terms of the numbers in the beginning was God's favorite Angaka.
Earth is the third planet in the solar system
Earth outline has 3 sections (crust, mantle, core)
Earth rock outline included in the 3 groups (Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic)
Broadly speaking, the earth's ecosystem included in 3 parts (atmosphere / air, Hidrsfer / water, lithosphere / soil / rock.)
Transportation of materials (stone) in the earth goes through three stages are ideal namely: the terrestrial environment, brackish and ends on a basin that is the sea.
Facies there are 3 in outline (Physical, chemical and biological)
No plate movement 3 (Convergent, divergent and transform)
Fault rocks in general there are 3 (up, down, shift)
3-dimensional vision better dibandigkn with two-dimensional
There are 3 types of volcanic eruptions (Magmatic, phreatic, feroemagmatik)
Volcanoes can be divided into 3 status is (active, sleep, death)
Exploration of oil in the earth, the ideal would be trusted if the pleats are 3 parts (gas, oil, and water)
Air layers are actually 3 very berpangaru namely (troposphere, stratosphere, ionosphere)
Figures multiples of 3 will produce high numbers other mysteries such as: 6-9-12, 30-33 etc.
Seen in two-dimensional pyramid will have 3 sides of Baian wherever you see
Currently there are only 3 eclipse involved (sun, moon and earth)
The system will strap on most champions victory to 3 people (winner 1,2 & 3)
Opportunity and an apology given samapai most 3 times
In the story of aladin genie gave only 3 request only
In the world pedidikan especially uiversitas / institute the rector had 3 helpers (Purek 1,2,3)
The presence of a triangle (3) Bermuda
The existence of the above. Middle, bottom (3)
The presence of left, center, right (3)
The Lord Jesus died / was crucified at the age of 33 years
He began his gospel ministry at the age of 30 years
He rose from the dead on day 3
When He was honored on the mount 3 is above the mountain (Jesus, Moses, Elijah)
Jesus invites to the top of the mountain only three disciples (John, yokobus & petrus)
Golgota mountains there are three people on the cross (Jesus + two criminals)
For 3 hours He hung on the cross
The distance from Jerusalem to Golgotha is 3 km
He fell to the cross to 3 times
Specifically disciples there were 12 (Multiples 3)
Jesus spent in the wilderness to be tempted by the devil 3 pieces questions
Adam has 3 children (Cain, Abel, and sets)
Noah has 3 children (sem, Ham, and Japheth)
In the development of the marine environment in determining the depth, experts are split into 3 (tigs), namely: Surface, Ehermal, and seabed.
Inside the mosque there are special seats occupied when the sermon at Friday, the chair has 3 children who will lead the hands of preachers to sit on the chair
David the king of Judah when he was 30 years old
And Daud ruled Israel and Judah for 33 years
Human bone consists daari 33 segments
Solomon's Temple stood for 33 years in Jerusalam
Three manifestations of God, namely: God, gods and spirits Word
Adam child to three sets of a human embryo Jesus
Noah has 3 children who are descendants of the original set that will fill the earth again
At discharge keberapa Noah pet bird back by bringing green boughs? 3 to the fourth he was back again
There are 300 prophecies about the first Coming of Jesus
How many children heir hebrew blessing Jacob, 12 children did not have 12 letters in the law so we cut a symbolic 1 + 2 = 3
In agreement Lamah is customary in the name of God oang Israe namely: the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
How many times God Calling Samuel and t last, he understood that it was the voice of the Lord three times.
Samuel slept in the most holy place where the ark of the gods are. Part of the tabernacle, namely: the Court outside, rang in the third place of worship and holy he Holies.
2 Sam 24: 12-13 speaks of the number 3
1. God's house was built in the time of Solomon, 2.Zaman Post Disposal, 3. It will be built before the coming of the Lord Jesus to 2.
The sun is a celestial body to 3 if calculated from the earth that produces energy and a source of life for the creatures on earth
The human body there are three parts: spirit, soul, flesh
There are three books that appear on the Trust Abraham: Torah, Gospel, quraan.
Jesus once said that God is three keys that look human on earth, namely: 1. He is the Way, 2. He is the Truth, 3. Life.
Jesus fed 5000 people starting with the number 7 symbol kemakmuraan then the rest are 12 baskets:
1. 5000 + 7 = 5 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 7 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
2. 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
How many questions devil in Jesus spent in the desert there is 3, and Jesus replied 3 times = 3 + 3 = 6
Mat 14: 25: Jesus came on the hour meraka approximately jama 3. Walk on water they rowed the boat 2- 3mil
They met Jesus
John 2 On day 3 there was a marriage in kana, Mary and Jesus the Lord was there (there first Jesus did miracles)
Speaking on the Israel of God or the Lord Jesus na bi or seanyak usually 3 times: 1. Kali = important, 2: very important 3. Very amatpenting.
John 6: 66 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 (multiples of 3)
Many disciples of Jesus who resigned.
In the box there are three objects ark Stick Harun, where and two tablets of stone Calculated one for one thing.
6 + 6 + 6 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 (multiples of 3
144 000 = 1 + 4 + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 9
Hey ayin year 5775 = the last two numbers are significantly important 75 = 7 + 5 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3
The year is equivalent to 2014 -2015. This year the eyes of God means being tertujuh on his people means essential.
New year yom craftsman Israel if the month will dimasehikan tumbling in 9 (multiples of 3)
Christian holidays there are 3 (Birth, death, outpouring rohkudus)
(Adam-nuh) (nuh-jesus) (jesus -rohkudus) (rohkudus- maltreatment)
(Penganiyaan- arrival) (kedatangan- period judgment) there are six times that are multiples of 3.
Garden of Eden is estimated that many people located between the rivers tiggris and Euphrates in Iraq, when viewed on a globe which is believed to be the place where ever their eden park is at 33 degrees on a map.
Israel, Lebanon, the Babylonians, the Bermuda triangle, which is believed to be a secret location where he hid the bodies of aliens in the USA and all the countries through which the latitude or longitude 30-33 degrees all the countries in the beginning of prosperity, peace etc. But now the opposite of these countries at most fighting, secrets etc. It shows the devil does not want the countries through which God's favorite numbers remain a state such as in the Garden of Eden.
In the Garden of Eden there are 3 living thing accursed Namely: Adam, Eve, and the serpent.
Man was created on the sixth day (keliptan 3)
God creating vegetation on day 3. Verse in the Bible the most widely debated, how plants can live without sunlight, while the lights were created on the fourth day.
Miracles are made Jesus the experts count there are actually 33 times
In the Book of Genesis says Ellohim recorded a total of 33 times
There are three large angels penhulu (Michael, Gabriel and Rafael)
When the Magi came (3) they donate gold, kemenyang and nut (3)
There are three most dekata disciples with Jesus = Peter, John and James. (3)
There are 3 kinds of love = eros, agape fileo and
There are three leaders after the Israelites out of Egypt (Moses, Aaron, and Cannon)
There are 3 people who oppose the king Nebuchadnezzar (sadrak, mesak and Abednego)
There are 300 soldiers in God choose the time to help Gideon war
And the Bible says stay 3 edges = FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE.
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